SERVPRO Provides Cicero Customers with Mold Remediation
12/27/2018 (Permalink)

Mold Removal Technicians In Cicero Talk About Indoor Air Quality
If a small water leak occurs in your home, there is a chance that a mold colony could develop. If you ever notice the presence of fungi, it is wise to call in a professional mold removal company like SERVPRO. Once microbes activate, structures called hyphae form that produce root-like anchors so that they adhere to the surfaces of organic substances. Once the hyphae start spreading around the surface of the material and the organisms expand, they start releasing microscopic seed-like structures called spores. These spores can then circulate and start more fungi issues in other areas of the house.
Once the spores are in the air they can get inside your home's ventilation system. As a part of the mold removal process in Cicero, our SERVPRO technicians take measure to remove harmful particles from the airflow and prevent more from getting released. Before we begin work in a contaminated area, we seal the affected region off with a thick plastic barrier. We then set up an air scrubber that cleans the contaminated air by pushing it past a HEPA filter that catches even the smallest microscopic particles. If the spores have been in the air for an extended amount of time, we can clean your heating and ventilation ducts with specially formulated chemicals, extension brushes and a powerful vacuum just for this purpose.
Any time mold exists there is a possibility that it can negatively affect the air you breathe. According to the Environmental Protection Agency or EPA, the air inside buildings can be more contaminated than the air outdoors. Once spores are present in the air, your house can suffer from degraded indoor air quality or IAQ issues. IAQ is defined as the overall quality of the air you breathe when you are inside a building. Fungal contaminations are just one of the thousands of different types of pollutants that can exist in the air.
In some cases, we can leave the air scrubber in the affected area after the work is complete to remove further any harmful particles that remain. If you ever notice mold developing inside your house, call SERVPRO of West Loop / Bucktown / Greektown at (773) 434-9100.
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